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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Share some Love...

Your loved!  You were wondefully and fearfully made, and your Creater knows your name... knows exactly how many hairs are on your head... HE KNOWS YOU!!!  Even the not so great things about you... thoughts you have, words you have spoken ect...  And He sees the depths of your heart and He love you the same!!!  God is AMAZING... HIS love is unconditional and totally amazing!  INDESCRIBABLE!!!
Blessings & Hugs,
Charity <><

but those who hope in the LORD 
       will renew their strength. 
       They will soar on wings like eagles; 
       they will run and not grow weary, 
       they will walk and not be faint.

I love this verse!  It is Isaiah 40:31.  What power we can have! What security is ours!  What more LOVE could we want!....all through God's sweet undying amazing GRACE!


Whenever I see the sunrise, or rays of light peeking through the clouds, I am reminded of His great power and His great love.  I remember to take a deep breath (forget that someone just cut me off the road) :) and remember that those rays were just for me!

So even if you're waiting for your kids in to get out of school in a line that goes on forever, or are driving in traffic that makes you vow never to go out during rush hour again....I hope that you take time today to notice the rays of sunshine, just for you!!

Blessings and Hugs,

ps..these pictures are for you dear Charity!



1 comment :

Thank you for taking time to comment at karatootie! Your comments light up my day! Big Hugs! Ingrid
