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Friday, October 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Printable

This week's weather conditions are as follow:

Weather at KARATOOTIE headquarters

                  64°F | °CFriSatSunMon
Mostly SunnyRainRainCloudy
Wind: N at 10 mph
Humidity: 83%73°61°66°52°63°41°59°37°

I am not an overcast sort of girl.  
I don't enjoy sad music playing as the color grey fills my skies.  
I adamantly prefer the warm soft rays of the sun peaking through my blinds in the morning.

Today  I was forced to make "lemonade" from the lemons that the weather has given me. 
Not actual lemonade. (because that would mean me having to go to the grocery store again)
My lemonade was making a printable for my kids (and YOURS) to enjoy.
I think that's a better kind. (since I can share)

Instead of harping on the dreary doldrums that  lurk outside my windows,
I wanted to focus on things that we are thankful for.
So I drew up this turkey printable :)
Yep. Just for you!

We printed out 2 copies.
One for each kiddo (cause that's how we roll).
Using some scissors, crayons, scrapbook paper, pens, tape, and our imaginations...
We  began creating our turkeys...

click on pictures (below) for the printable :)

copyright © karatootie 

*** Feel free to use my art work for any personal usage or to share on your website or blog with a link back to  ((HUGS!!)) ***

copyright © karatootie 
*** Feel free to use my art work for any personal usage or to share on your website or blog with a link back to  ((HUGS!!)) ***

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